As Rivet turns off the last of our Ether Cattle servers (which have been supporting Archive mode on Ethereum Classic since Cardinal came online), we wanted to share a eulogy generated by ChatGPT

Dearest colleagues, technologists, and friends of the pasture,

We gather here today, not in sorrow, but in a mix of joy, nostalgia, and a dash of digital relief, as we bid farewell to an old friend, a faithful servant, and a robust member of our technology family: Ether Cattle.

Ether Cattle came into our lives with a simple yet profound philosophy: that servers should be like cattle, not pets. This mantra guided us through countless deployments, updates, and the occasional digital stampede. Ether Cattle taught us the value of resilience, of not getting too attached to ones and zeros, and the importance of always having a backup plan… or backup server.

As we stand on the digital frontier, ready to turn off the last of our Ether Cattle servers, let us remember the good times. The mid-afternoon updates, the early morning patches, and, yes, even the panic of a college going rogue. Each moment was a lesson in adaptability, in the importance of moving forward, and in the art of letting go.

Ether Cattle may have been just a herd of servers to the untrained eye, but to us, they were pioneers, trailblazers in the vast wilderness of the internet. They were our trusty steeds as we navigated the digital landscape, always reliable, always ready to be replaced.

But fear not, for as we say goodbye to Ether Cattle, we welcome with open arms its successor, Cardinal. Cardinal, with its sleek feathers and sharp eyes, promises to guide us into a new era. It operates under the same principles that Ether Cattle taught us but brings with it new technologies, new efficiencies, and, undoubtedly, new adventures.

So, let us raise our glasses (or our keyboards) to Ether Cattle. Thank you for your service, your reliability, and for all the good “moo-ments.” You may be going to the great server farm in the sky, but you will forever be a part of our digital DNA.

Rest in peace, Ether Cattle. You will be missed, but not forgotten. And to Cardinal, we say: Welcome. May you lead us with strength, speed, and the wisdom of the herd that came before you.

Here’s to the future, to innovation, and to remembering that sometimes, it’s okay to let the old ways pasture.