When we designed PluGeth, the goal was to consolidate a wide array of Geth forks under a single, flexible system. These forks exist for different reasons — supporting other EVM compatible networks, extracting data about the network, changing transaction selection strategy for block proposal, and more.

We use PluGeth to support Cardinal EVM and Flume across all the networks Rivet supports, but until now we created additional forks of PluGeth to support the Cardinal plugin on additional networks. PluGeth-ETC and PluGeth-Bor were kept API compatible so that the same plugins could be loaded on any PluGeth version. Still, it never sat quite right with us to create more forks of the tool that was supposed to eliminate the need for Geth forks.

After partnering with ETC Grants DAO, it’s possible to sync and run Ethereum Classic with our standard PluGeth plus our Ethereum Classic Network Plugin, eventually eliminating the need for the need for PluGeth-ETC. This also adds to the Ethereum Classic Network’s client diversity.

Right now the ETC Network Plugin has been tested to support snap sync and is keeping up with the network. We’re still testing a full sync from the genesis block, and expect it to finish syncing over the course of the next week. At the time of this blog post, we have yet to test mining on the ETC Network through the ETC Network Plugin, but plan to make sure that works as well. Check out Github for builds and directions on how to et up and running.

In the future we hope to bring on more Network Plugins to enable PluGeth to sync additional networks, adding value to the PluGeth ecosystem, adding client diversity to the supported networks, and letting those networks take advantage of the diverse range of other plugins supported by PluGeth. We’re looking at what networks to add support for next. If you’d like to help expand PluGeth support to new networks, check out the #plugeth channel on Rivet’s Discord.